SELECT cont||' x '||text AS "N x (Tipo de mensaje)" , severity AS "Gravedad" , CASE WHEN (s_addr) IS NULL OR s_addr = ' ' THEN '' ELSE s_addr END AS "IP Origen" , CASE WHEN t_addr IS NULL THEN (SELECT path FROM Prelude_File AS t8 LEFT JOIN Prelude_Alert AS top ON (t8._message_ident = top._ident) WHERE t8._parent0_index = -1 AND t8._index = -1 GROUP BY 1) ELSE t_addr END AS "IP Destino" , name AS "Sensorito" , tfts AS "Desde" , tlts AS "Hasta" FROM ( SELECT COUNT(tlast._ident) AS cont, t1.text AS text, t7.severity AS severity, t2.address AS s_addr, t3.address AS t_addr, AS name, MIN(t0.time AT TIME ZONE 'GMT' ) AS "tfts" , MAX(t0.time AT TIME ZONE 'GMT' ) AS "tlts" FROM ( SELECT t._ident FROM prelude_alert as t WHERE t._ident BETWEEN 12915 AND 16239 ) AS top LEFT JOIN Prelude_DetectTime AS t0 ON (t0._message_ident =top._ident AND t0._message_ident BETWEEN 12915 AND 16239) LEFT JOIN Prelude_Address AS t2 ON (t2._index = 0 AND t2._parent_type = 'S' AND t2._parent0_index = 0 AND t2._message_ident =top._ident AND t2._message_ident BETWEEN 12915 AND 16239) LEFT JOIN Prelude_Address AS t3 ON (t3.address = '' and t3._index = 0 AND t3._parent_type = 'T' AND t3._parent0_index = 0 AND t3._message_ident =top._ident AND t3._message_ident BETWEEN 12915 AND 16239) LEFT JOIN Prelude_Classification AS t1 ON (t3.address = '' and t1._message_ident =top._ident AND t1._message_ident BETWEEN 12915 AND 16239) LEFT JOIN Prelude_Analyzer AS t6 ON (t3.address = '' and t6._index = -1 AND t6._parent_type = 'A' AND t6._message_ident=top._ident AND t6._message_ident BETWEEN 12915 AND 16239) LEFT JOIN Prelude_Impact AS t7 ON (t3.address = '' and t7._message_ident =top._ident AND t7._message_ident BETWEEN 12915 AND 16239) LEFT JOIN Prelude_Alert AS tlast ON ( ((t2.address is null) AND (t3.address = '') ) AND tlast._ident =top._ident AND tlast._ident BETWEEN 12915 AND 16239) GROUP BY 2,3,4,5,6 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 9758 ) AS tlast WHERE tlast.cont != 0 ORDER BY 4 DESC e-REdING. Biblioteca de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla.


: Galera Ruiz, Alejandro David
: Ingeniería Telecomunicación