SELECT sens AS "Sensorito" , COUNT(tlast._ident) AS "Alertas" , ROUND( (100.0*COUNT(tlast._ident))/ (SELECT COUNT(top._ident) FROM Prelude_Alert AS top WHERE top._ident >= 6425),5 ) AS "%" , MIN(ttime) AS "Desde" , MAX(ttime) AS "Hasta" FROM (SELECT top._ident AS _ident FROM Prelude_Alert AS top ORDER BY top._ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS top LEFT JOIN (SELECT to_timestamp(cast(t0.time AS text)||'.'||cast(t0.usec AS text),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AS ttime, t0._message_ident FROM Prelude_DetectTime AS t0 ORDER BY t0._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t0 ON (top._ident = t0._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT t1.text AS classf, t1._message_ident FROM Prelude_Classification AS t1 ORDER BY t1._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t1 ON (top._ident = t1._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT t2.address AS s_addr, t2._message_ident FROM Prelude_Address AS t2 where _parent0_index = 0 and _index = 0 and _parent_type = 'S' ORDER BY t2._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t2 ON (top._ident = t2._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT t3.address AS t_addr, t3._message_ident FROM Prelude_Address AS t3 where _parent0_index = 0 and _index = 0 and _parent_type = 'T' ORDER BY t3._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t3 ON (top._ident = t3._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT t4.iana_protocol_number AS prot, t4._message_ident FROM Prelude_Service AS t4 where t4._parent_type='T' AND t4._parent0_index = -1 ORDER BY t4._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t4 ON (top._ident = t4._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT t5.port AS t_port, t5._message_ident FROM Prelude_Service AS t5 where t5._parent_type='T' AND t5._parent0_index = -1 ORDER BY t5._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t5 ON (top._ident = t5._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT t7.severity AS sev, t7.completion AS compl, t7._message_ident FROM Prelude_Impact AS t7 ORDER BY t7._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t7 ON (top._ident = t7._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT t12.address AS anlyzr_ip, t12._message_ident FROM Prelude_Address AS t12 where _parent0_index = 0 and _index = 0 and _parent_type = 'A' ORDER BY t12._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t12 ON (top._ident = t12._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT AS sens, t6._message_ident FROM Prelude_Analyzer AS t6 where t6._parent_type='A' AND t6._index = -1 ORDER BY t6._message_ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS t6 ON (top._ident = t6._message_ident) LEFT JOIN (SELECT tlast._ident AS _ident FROM Prelude_Alert AS tlast ORDER BY tlast._ident DESC LIMIT 6425) AS tlast ON (top._ident = tlast._ident) GROUP BY t6.sens ORDER BY 3 DESC e-REdING. Biblioteca de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla.


: Galera Ruiz, Alejandro David
: Ingeniería Telecomunicación
Contenido del proyecto: