%This program imports data collected with crossbow sensors and with %wireless sensors and tries to match them. %IMPORTANT: the data from wireless sensors have to be stored as: % Sensor 8 - Bearing in Files 1 % Sensor 7 - Gearmesh in Files 2 function processing_ojo %CROSSBOW %For both failures: Load the data, normalise them and calculate max and min. %%%GEARMESH load('C:\Documents and Settings\uos\Desktop\programs\Matlab\Crossbow-Wireless\g1_6.mat'); mg1=mean(g1); vg1=var(g1); g1_N=zeros(5000,1); g1_N=g1-mg1; g1_N=g1_N/vg1; g1_N_max=max(g1_N) g1_N_min=min(g1_N) r1=g1_N_max-g1_N_min %%%BEARING load('C:\Documents and Settings\uos\Desktop\programs\Matlab\Crossbow-Wireless\y1_6.mat'); mb1=mean(y1); vb1=var(y1); b1_N=zeros(5000,1); b1_N=y1-mb1; b1_N=b1_N/vb1; b1_N_max=max(b1_N) b1_N_min=min(b1_N) r2=b1_N_max-b1_N_min %WIRELESS %For both failures: Load the data, look at the length of the files and ask %the user from which value he wants to extract 5000 points to compare, %normalise the data and calculate max and min nsensors = 2; for i=1:nsensors fileXYZ=sprintf('XYZ_%d.txt',i); eval(['load ',fileXYZ]); tam=size(fileXYZ); tf=tam(2); fileXYZ=fileXYZ(1:tf-4); f1=eval(fileXYZ); tam=size(f1); maxv=tam(2); %vertical data=f1(:,2); length(data) first=input('First value:'); dataW=zeros(5000,1); dataW=data(first:(first+5000),1); mW=mean(dataW); vW=var(dataW); dataW=dataW-mW; dataW=dataW/vW; dataW_max=max(dataW) dataW_min=min(dataW) r=dataW_max-dataW_min %For both failures: The collected data from crossbow sensors are scaled and %then the data of each kind of sensor are plotted. figure plot(dataW);grid; xlabel('Time msec'); %i=1 -> bearing if i==1 b1_N=b1_N*(r/r2); b1_N_max=max(b1_N) b1_N_min=min(b1_N) hold on; plot(b1_N,'g'); title('Bearing') Legend('wireless','crossbow') %The function "calculo_mPSD" is called to carry out the feature %extraction [Fault_b_crossbow,f_b_crossbow,y_b_crossbow]=calculo_mPSD(b1_N); [Fault_W1,f_W1,y_W1]=calculo_mPSD(dataW); else %i=2 -> gearmesh if i==2 g1_N=g1_N*(r/r1); g1_N_max=max(g1_N) g1_N_min=min(g1_N) hold on; plot(g1_N,'g') title('Gearmesh') Legend('wireless','crossbow') %The function "calculo_mPSD" is called to carry out the feature %extraction [Fault_g_crossbow,f_g_crossbow,y_g_crossbow]=calculo_mPSD(g1_N); [Fault_W2,f_W2,y_W2]=calculo_mPSD(dataW); end end end %PRINCIPAL COMPONENTS ANALYSIS %CROSSBOW-BEARING %To calculate the first 2 principal components of Fault and use them in the visualisation c=corrcoef(Fault_b_crossbow); % Calculates a correlation coefficient matrix c of Fault [v,d]=eig(c); % Find the eigvectors v and the eigenvalues d of Fault T=[v(:,end)';v(:,end-1)']; % Create the transformation matrix T from the first two principal components z=T*Fault_b_crossbow'; % Create a 2-dimensional feature vector z figure grid;hold on; plot(z(1,1:5),z(2,1:5),'bo'); % Scatter plot of the 2-dimensional features %CROSSBOW-GEARMESH c=corrcoef(Fault_g_crossbow); % Calculates a correlation coefficient matrix c of Fault [v,d]=eig(c); % Find the eigvectors v and the eigenvalues d of Fault T=[v(:,end)';v(:,end-1)']; % Create the transformation matrix T from the first two principal components z=T*Fault_g_crossbow'; % Create a 2-dimensional feature vector z hold on; plot(z(1,1:5),z(2,1:5),'g*'); % Scatter plot of the 2-dimensional features %WIRELESS-BEARING c=corrcoef(Fault_W1); % Calculates a correlation coefficient matrix c of Fault [v,d]=eig(c); % Find the eigvectors v and the eigenvalues d of Fault T=[v(:,end)';v(:,end-1)']; % Create the transformation matrix T from the first two principal components z=T*Fault_W1'; % Create a 2-dimensional feature vector z grid;hold on; plot(z(1,1:5),z(2,1:5),'kd'); % Scatter plot of the 2-dimensional features %WIRELESS-GEARMESH c=corrcoef(Fault_W2); % Calculates a correlation coefficient matrix c of Fault [v,d]=eig(c); % Find the eigvectors v and the eigenvalues d of Fault T=[v(:,end)';v(:,end-1)']; % Create the transformation matrix T from the first two principal components z=T*Fault_W2'; % Create a 2-dimensional feature vector z grid;hold on; plot(z(1,1:5),z(2,1:5),'r+'); % Scatter plot of the 2-dimensional features legend('bearing crossbow','gearmesh crossbow', 'bearing wireless','gearmesh wireless' ) %PSDs figure; grid;hold on; plot(f_b_crossbow,y_b_crossbow,'b'); hold on; plot(f_g_crossbow,y_g_crossbow,'g'); hold on; plot(f_W1,y_W1,'k'); hold on; plot(f_W2,y_W2,'r'); figure;grid;hold on; plot(f_b_crossbow,y_b_crossbow,'b',f_W1,y_W1,'k');title('BEARING'); figure;grid;hold on; plot(f_g_crossbow,y_g_crossbow,'g',f_W2,y_W2,'r');title('GEARMESH'); e-REdING. Biblioteca de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla.


: Rodríguez Barquero, María
: Ingeniería Industrial
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